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Win Your DUI Criminal Defense and Force the Government To Prove Their Case Part I

A drunken driving arrest or DUI case can be challenging, especially if you plan to win in California. When handling and taking a new client's drunk driving case, it is important to have a thorough understanding of both the criminal court case and the Department of Motor Vehicles APS (administrative per se) cases.

The current system in the Bay Area and all over California has a long line of convictions and the list is growing as the counties pocketbook finds more and more budget cuts. Defense counsel, either public or private can go to work for you and stop the political crime of DUI cases charged daily.

In 1990, California lowered her limit from 0.10% to 0.08%, knowing that it would "catch" many more people in the web than previously under the higher alcohol content limit. Let's look for a minute, in simple argument, to what 0.08% really looks like to the layperson. This small amount of alcohol means that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. A mathematician would say that it is 8/100's of One Percent of a person blood is some form of ethyl alcohol.

There are naturally more and more DUI Drunken driving cases each year, no wonder and naturally the number of people looking for a defense lawyer locally is growing each day. People need a good defense and they are looking for help in fighting their case. I even recently met a man who was in a Drunken Driving Education Program, ordered by the court for his DUI, which involved prescription drugs, which he had to take for his health, and involved NO alcohol at all.

This man had to take 18 weeks of a course to keep his already restricted drivers license and keep driving his children to school. For someone who never drank alcohol due to his medical condition and had obvious problems, counsel would have been his best option. He had decided against it and had paid the price dearly.

It is the duty of your defense attorney to counsel or maintain those actions, proceedings, or defenses only as appear to him as legal or just, except the defense of a person charged with a public offense. It is very righteous and self liberating for anyone to defend their case and make the Government prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

Currently, it is estimated that approximately 1/3 of the over 170,000 California DUI Cases every year have very legitimate and authentic scientific and legal issues and defenses. Having a defense lawyer to fight for you and find these defenses is critical to your future and future decisions in court. Each DUI triggers two separate cases that every good DUI Lawyer is well voiced in. The first is the Criminal Court Case and the second being the DMV case involving your driver's license.

Criminal Law - Guide to Criminal & Penal Law